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Anatomy Education Podcast

Jun 22, 2020

The Anatomy Education Podcast continues with Lockdown Special X. In this podcast I am joined by Gabs Finn, Scott Border, Jane Holland, Jason Organ, Margaret McNulty, Wendy Lackey, Sarah Channon, Adam Taylor, Fabio Quondamatteo, Andrew Cale, Megan Fegalde and Megan Leadbeater.

In this episode we catch up on #pandemicpedagogy and our reflections of the last few months, what we see continuing into the future, and decolonising the #MedEd #AnatEd curriculum.


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This episode is sponsored by:

The American Association for Anatomy. For information about upcoming events, membership details and much more, visit and @anatomyorg

The International Association of Medical Science Education (IAMSE). For more information on meetings, membership options and funding, visit and @iamse.

Adam Rouilly. For information on their wide range of products to support all aspects of healthcare education, visit and @AdamRouilly.