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Anatomy Education Podcast

Dec 11, 2017

Professor Robert Trelease is a Professor in Anatomy at the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UCLA Center for the Health Sciences, Los Angeles, California

Bob joins me for an in-depth chat about the ‘diffusion of innovation’ into anatomy education and outlines it impact and thoughts on the future. You...

Dec 4, 2017

Dr Mike Pascoe is an Assistant Professor at the School of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical campus.  

Mike joins me for a wide-ranging chat about all things anatomy education, including his use of social media tools, from Twitter to Instagram and most recently, SnapChat. We also talk about his passion...

Nov 27, 2017

Dr Scott Border is a Principle Teaching Fellow at the Centre for Learning Anatomical Sciences at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom.

Scott joins for a chat about all things anatomy education, including the hugely-popular BrainHub, his focus on students as partners in curriculum development, near-pear...

Nov 20, 2017

Professor Claudia Krebs is Director of Gross Anatomy and Neuroanatomy at the Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Canada.

Claudia joins me for a chat about her anatomy education career path and her focus on neuroanatomy, neurophobia, and innovative approaches to her teaching.


You can visit Claudia’s...

Nov 13, 2017

Professor Valerie O’Loughlin is the Associate Director of Undergraduate Education at Indiana University, Bloomington in the United States.

Valerie joins me for a chat about scholarship and anatomy education, and how to manage the work-life balance.  We also talk about graduate and faculty development and discuss the...