Oct 30, 2017
Dr Oliver Jones is an Academic Foundation Doctor in the United Kingdom and founder of the Teach Me Series.
Oliver joins me for a chat about his anatomy education and medical training. We also discuss the development of his hugely successful Teach Me websites for learning anatomy.
You can visit the Teach Me Series here...
Oct 23, 2017
Professor Paul Kirschner is a distinguished university professor and educational realist at the Open University of the Netherlands.
Paul joins me for a fascinating chat about modern education and debunking a series of educational myths, such as Learning Styles, Digital Natives, Learning Pyramids and Multi-Tasking. We...
Oct 16, 2017
Dr Megan Sumeracki (formerly Smith) is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Rhode Island College, Providence.
Megan is a cognitive psychological scientists and Co-Founder of the hugely popular Learning Scientists website, with her colleague Dr Yana Weinstein. She joins me for an in depth chat about her career path...
Oct 9, 2017
Dr Jo Matthan is a Lecturer in Anatomy and Clinical Schools at the School of Medical Education at Newcastle University.
Jo joins me for a chat on her career path that has seen her move from South India to Finland and then the United Kingdom. We also discuss her involvement in the widening participation scheme...
Oct 2, 2017
Dr Danielle Royer is an Associate Professor in Anatomy at the School of Medicine, University of Colorado.
Danielle joins me for a chat on her background in biological anthropology, her career path towards anatomy education, the use of imaging and role of ultrasound for non-medical students.
Here are the links to the...