Dec 17, 2018
Rebecca Pratt, PhD is the Professor of Anatomy in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in the United States.
Rebecca joins me for a chat about anatomy teaching at her institution, Student-led anatomy dissection projects, her fascination with fasciaand the...
Dec 10, 2018
Dr Jenn Hallam and Dr Matt Homer are members of the Assessment Research Group, in the School of Medicine, University of Leeds, UK. Jenn is a psychometrician and Matt is an Associate Professor, who specializes in both school-level maths and medical education.
In this episode Jenn and Matt join me to discuss...
Dec 3, 2018
In the final podcast from AMEE2018, we listen to the IAMSE symposium on: The role of the Biomedical Sciences in Teaching and Learning Medicine in the 21st century.
The session is chaired by Professor Aviad Haramati, from Georgetown University School of Medicine, with contributions from:
Richard C Vari
Associate Dean,...