Dec 10, 2018
Dr Jenn Hallam and Dr Matt Homer are members of the Assessment Research Group, in the School of Medicine, University of Leeds, UK. Jenn is a psychometrician and Matt is an Associate Professor, who specializes in both school-level maths and medical education.
In this episode Jenn and Matt join me to discuss assessment practice in relation to high-stakes assessment. We talk about standard setting, blueprinting, assessment validity, post-hoc analysis and reliability.
You can follow Jenn and the Assessment Research Group on Twitter using @DrJenn_Hallam and @LeedsARG
And find out more about Matt’s research here.
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The American Association of Anatomists. For information about upcoming events, membership details and much more, visit and @anatomymeeting.
The International Association of Medical Science Education (IAMSE). For more information on meetings, membership options and funding, visit and @iamse.
Adam Rouilly. For information on their wide range of products to support all aspects of healthcare education, visit and @AdamRouilly.
Primal Pictures. For information on their 3D anatomy resources, visit and @PrimalPictures.